3635 Zane Trace Drive
3635 Zane Trace Drive,
Columbus, OH 43228, USA
Light Industrial Building
3635 Zane Trace Drive
Location Columbus, Ohio

3635 Zane Trace Drive,
Columbus, OH 43228, USA
Net Lettable Area 9,186  sqm
Platform/Funding Mapletree US & EU Logistics Private Trust

The property is located in the City of City of Columbus in western Franklin County, 7 miles northwest of the Columbus Central Business District. Bulk and medium distribution warehouses, light manufacturing and office warehouses are typically found in the neighbourhood. It is easily accessible from Interstate 70, 270 and Roberts Road and Walcutt Road. The property consists of a single warehouse block fully equipped with fire sprinkler systems and offers a 22-foot ceiling height, 35 parking spaces, 1 dock door and 11 drive-in doors.